

Lately I have found a sense of comfort walking in the night with my camera, listening to the sudden sounds of nature; rather than interacting with other humans.
It seems that the current generation of college kids want nothing to do with learning. College, at least at Rowan, has become an extension of high school. Skipping class in high school is one thing, but college? I'd rather go to an 8 a.m. than pay a couple hundred bucks to nap.

We are different than them, they are different from us, I am different from you.

The cloth has been cut; where do you stand on this quilt?


Traffic on the back roads

i and i alone:

there is no we, them, they

your stories hold no weight; hair blows in the wind as her's
control your mouth and let your eyes travel

these lines you give me
fall through cracks of easy hands
there is no other way to see what i see

so let those eyes travel
through the grid lock.


A Work That has not progressed.

perhaps I was born 200 years ago,
perhaps I am just an idea.

born in the spaces between
clouds, I was born along the grapevine of wall street.

perhaps you are an extension of me,
perhaps you are an idea.


A Real Life Hero.

This is my grandfather. He taught me how to change a car tire when I was six, how to hold a Marine sword when I was four, how to treat the ladies, how to be humble, how to appreciate science; how to set an example. Now 73, he is more happy than I have ever seen him. My grandmother (at right) has been married to this man for 47 years. She has learned to put up with his bad jokes, and every now and then even laugh at one.
I realize now how heavy a man by the name of Edward Domzalski II has played in my life. He has been the sole father figure in my life, and a solid one. His lessons can never be etched in a text book, but I will sure as hell pass them down to whomever I can.
Thanks for all the backyard baseball Grandad. Happy Birthday.


High Tech Poetry

& you

iNG. iNC.

im only parctiualy
aginst my
they informed me
that this was
now my tom a hawk
will split
a law
in two
the law of obediance
is now in half
do you believe me?

- The Gonz

Just a few poems from Mark Gonazales's book High Tech Poetry. The book also includes random doodles and prose, giving just a glimpse into this dude's mind. He is one of a kind.


No need.

A lot of heads have been talking badly about Anthony Pappalardo's part in the recent Lakai video; well let's take a trip down memory lane:

Too bad he made the switch to chocolate.
I will now officially hop off Alien's balls.
Thank you and have a safe tomorrow.



I need to get some glasses.

Took me three years to figure out what I was searching for lay right in front of me. Search over, good feeling.



Family from travels in the year two thousand and eight, thanks for all the good times.


My Block

Came home the other day to find this in my parking lot. Don't let your eyes deceive you, there is no one in this vehicle. The only logical explanation (if there even is one) that this guy parked his pick up truck smack dab in the middle of the street would be someone parking in his designated spot. I can understand coming home from a long day at work and having some dickhead parked in the spot you are assigned, but this was at two o'clock in the afternoon on a Monday. There were plenty of visitor spots vacant.
Although annoying to the people on that side of the parking lot, I found it pretty comical. This guy just did not give a shit; why waste the energy to back into another spot? Might as well just park it right here and get the mail.
The cops were eventually called, and the truck was moved. Apparently the guy was inside his house watching the neighborhood struggle the entire time.

New Beginning To The Same Life

Franky (Eli Reed) Ruggiano: Later

Pat Byra

GQ February Cover: Baum.
Gustav Propper: FS Nosegrind Congratulations on getting your license, big guy.

Pat Byra - always a pleasure to have him in your presence. Today after eating his last Big Mac at the Golden Arches, Pat has decided to go vegan.

Today was the first day in a while that wasn't either rainy, bitter cold, or windy in the last month and a half. Took advantage of the fall like weather (in January?!) to skate around and test out my new camera.

Last day of Fall semester at Rowan.


Mark your calendars, Alien Workshop Skateboards is dropping their fourth audio visual installment February Sixth, Two Thousand and Nine.
I've been looking forward to this video for a while now, and with a team that includes East Coast legend Josh Kalis, Arto Saari, Mikey Taylor, Tyler Beldsoe, Jason Dill, Omar Salazar, just to name a few. Alien Workshop always does it right.
Josh Kalis: Photosynthesis