
An you thought they'd never come!

Saw a couple Aliens while in Richmond, Virginia over spring break. I wonder what they think of this Day & Age.


"Do you need a rest,

I know I can be a bit much."

"The word Academy, from Greek, means learning. Tonight, you will learn nothing."

"Why don't you find out for yourself?"



Academy Of Music, Philadelphia, PA.
No words for the excitement.

"That's why I do this music business thing, it's communication with people without having the extreme inconvenience of actually phoning anybody up."
From The Importance of Being Morrissey


X Marks the Spot.

All this talk of change; the search for Hope. We are aiming the scope at the wrong Human. Hope and Change resonate within those we bring into the world. Look down, you'll see them. Growing like grass, their brains like a sponge in the Indian Ocean. Only we can filter what they soak up, a leader to help us along the way. Innocence is never forever. The World is not kind, but these blades of grass contain the ability to clean up our snail trails. Leave your salt here, the future needs to be hydrated.