
My Block

Came home the other day to find this in my parking lot. Don't let your eyes deceive you, there is no one in this vehicle. The only logical explanation (if there even is one) that this guy parked his pick up truck smack dab in the middle of the street would be someone parking in his designated spot. I can understand coming home from a long day at work and having some dickhead parked in the spot you are assigned, but this was at two o'clock in the afternoon on a Monday. There were plenty of visitor spots vacant.
Although annoying to the people on that side of the parking lot, I found it pretty comical. This guy just did not give a shit; why waste the energy to back into another spot? Might as well just park it right here and get the mail.
The cops were eventually called, and the truck was moved. Apparently the guy was inside his house watching the neighborhood struggle the entire time.