

Lately I have found a sense of comfort walking in the night with my camera, listening to the sudden sounds of nature; rather than interacting with other humans.
It seems that the current generation of college kids want nothing to do with learning. College, at least at Rowan, has become an extension of high school. Skipping class in high school is one thing, but college? I'd rather go to an 8 a.m. than pay a couple hundred bucks to nap.

We are different than them, they are different from us, I am different from you.

The cloth has been cut; where do you stand on this quilt?


Shelby said...

It seems that the current generation of college kids want nothing to do with learning.

i completely agree. it seems that, at my college too, the students are more excited at the prospect of partying than actually learning something.


CONSUME said...

For some reason I leap to ask, What is learning? Is it reading from a book or getting to know oneself. God knows colleges don't give two shits about higher learning. The biggest money making industry in the nation is in Colleges and Universities. As long as your dues are paid, you can learn and not learn. There are a large number of teachers who care about higher learning, I've had a few, but you won't find them at the general education level, and you won't find that person as the Dean of the school, but I digress. Back to my first statement, what is learning? Of course book learning has become the staple definition but then again you're not really learning, merely memorizing facts from a text(I think Plato or Aristotle said this), what "living" happens within books. You could gain this type of learning from a public library if one was motivated to do so. Then again, it wouldn't matter because you haven't been tested on your knowledge, some University didn't give you a piece of paper, and you didn't spend an ass load of money to get to that point. Don't get me wrong, I find reading enjoyable and rewarding. I like using my imagination to gain life experiences. However, what I mean is that you could tell me everything about a certain type of flower that you've learned from a book, but could you describe how it smells or how it feels brushing up against your skin. In art and photography, you can recite me everything you know about a piece of art but does that really matter. Or does how it makes you feel matter more. On the other hand, learning could mean learning about one-self. In which case you don't need to go to college and could technically enjoy parties. Not to say that what those people are doing is right, I agree with you full heartedly, I wouldn't want to spend a couple hundred dollars for a day off. But I think, inner learning is sometimes overlooked. Muslims call it a greater jihad while Elizabeth Cady Stanton would call it "The Solitude Of Self" in a much more broad ranging scope. Lets face it, we are mentally and physically weak people. All of us. All my life I've felt like I need someone else to complete me in order to be as strong, or as happy as I could be. I still feel I need some sort of connection but I'm working on depending on myself while making myself physically and mentally strong in an image that I have created as healthy (not someone elses). Regardless, I think we all need that inner learning that you learn in social situations and in the moments when you're all alone. I think we all need those times to wander alone and take in the ugly and beautiful things in this world. If only all eyes could see through a cameras lens. Anyway, I have rambled long enough and just set out to tell you that I agree with you in some regard and to tell you that I enjoy your photos dearly. I hope I made a little bit of sense. I'm sleep deprived. Until next time me speak.

"A Ship close to harbor is safe but ships were not made for this purpose."

holden_caulfield said...

yo man, it seems like you had fun shooting city hall. you'd go crazy in rome, or europe in general. everything looks like city hall, except better and older.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, the picture of the books is really beautiful.