
writer's block.

Cotton, grass, water, wood, open seas, day dreams, snow forts, and a land of the unknown. To a child this list is something that doesn’t need to be stored in their back pockets or posted on the fridge. It is built into them, programmed. As we age, from my own personal experience, we try and cling to this laundry list of freedom. Constantly drafting new copies to keep in our pockets when the wind blows this list from our grip, or an external force turns it to dust. Many times I have gone searching for this list, checking my back pocket; among the crowded mess of politics, stereotypes, and expectations.
Passing other human beings, it is not hard to tell who has lost their list. They’ve forgotten what forms in the clouds and have become more comfortable with watching the lines of the brick they walk on dark around with no direction. Their lunch trays no longer carry desserts, their shoes haven’t touched mud in who knows how long. It is a challenge to keep the clouds in our minds; the ‘real’ world beckons us at every step. Less and less time is focused on the present, as our focus is shifted towards the future. I’ve put my list through the wash many times, forgetting all together about the importance its scribbled words hold.
Even though our hands get tired from writing, revising, and drafting our lists, there is no avoiding it. All souls are wayward and lose track of these essential components of the past, but the grass stained cotton and the sails made of previous fort blankets can reach the open seas again and again; if we just get rid of the spare change and walk through the mud.

goodnight, travel well

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