
ch. two

In five weeks and one day, on January Twenty Fifth, I will be driving to Philadelphia International Airport to board a flight, destination: Heathrow International Airport in London, England. For the past couple of weeks this trip hasn't even crossed my mind, which has been preoccupied with the thoughts of Plato, Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, and the words of H.D. Thoreau.

I have no clue what to expect and have planned little for the trip, other than a trip to Sweden over Easter Break and a visit from the Moms around the time of my birthday (February). There aren't many chances in one's life that allow a three month stint in a foreign land to study, live amongst it's residents, and experience the culture from the direct center. An infinite amount of excitement if building inside me and I can't wait to set foot on the streets of London and share what my eyes see. Long live the Thames!

Sleep well
- lowt

1 comment:

Kim said...


This sounds incredibly thrilling. I'm excited to read your blog once you're actually there. Also, pretty sure your words are motivation for me. Real talk. I've always wanted to comment on your stuff and I guess I felt since this post was wanderlusty, it made sense.