
down, but not out.

This past week my newborn child, which may appear to be a Pentax 67, stopped breathing for a period of 48 hours. The battery died, leaving the shutter stuck mid release. A new battery was in order, which seemed to be an easy task. Four hours of searching every camera/electronic shop in town led to nothing but dead ends. I had mere hours to refill 67's lungs with air, so there was not much time to curse the heavens for this black cloud above me (and what seemed to be the entire Island). You think I'm gonna let my baby drown that easy? Hell to tha Naw!
Off to London I went. A fresh new battery and a little bit of pressure to the sternum was all it took to get those lungs filled. The shots above are from 67's first life, and the its reincarnated state. Very happy to have the 67 back on board!

We never really die, gotta get the dharma done.


1 comment:

holden_caulfield said...

glad your pentax is back in shape, also glad you used it enough for its batteries to die... i don't know what it is that your up to over there, but it sounds serious!