
Moon's Lonely Child

sitting here, off
somewhere along the lines
in some sort of space.

jesus. my posture is terrible.
there remains no desire to straighten my spine,
to flatten the kinks.

it's useless now, 'cause this space
can take everything from here.
leave the land bare.
leave me, curved.
corked in knots

lately these dinosaurs have
been on a rampage through
my intestinal tract,
thousands of these scaly beasts.
throwing their feet to me as
if my digestion has become the big bang.
closing in on this subject matter
has brought my vision to the point
that hardly gets to a point.
lift, stand, fall, stare, linger,
maybe i'll find sleep,
maybe you'll be near.

I'll have that nuisance of a crick
in my neck come morning.



Ryan 2.0 said...

Ryan.. from Rowan/knowing Jess Hock
Saw your facebook update.
Lovin the blog.
Poetry's pretty sweet.
Makes me want to get my act in gear.
BTDubs...You doin' Avant? I've been meaning to stop by one of these Thursdays but keep forgetting to. Worth it?

The Life and Times of Low T said...

What up Ryan, thanks for the kind words.

I am in the Avant, and it's worth it. Pretty cool to be a part of something like that, especially with writing. You get to vote on what goes in, and have some say in the layout. Some people in it get too serious when correcting things in the poems, but other than that it is a good time.

Stop by this week, I'll remind you.