
three sides to every story.

The Lanes, Brighton.

Town Centre Market, Kingston.



..do you see what I see?

over and out,


Day One: 26 January

As I sit above the clouds, with the cool plastic of the airplane on my arms, I begin to stare at my feet; size 8.5 with five toes to a foot, and wonder what they have to say.
What they have to say about all the abuse they will be put through the next four and a half months. The ground and grass the will walk upon, the sweat they will produce; the history they will encounter: the foreign water that will cleanse them.
As you may know, feet cannot in fact talk, they cannot explain the cobblestone streets that give their arch a stretch, or how the wet morning glasses of Hyde Park feel between themselves. But what they can tell me is when to take a break. When to sit down and observe and enjoy the memories that will forever stay in the lobes of my brain.

Dear ten digits,
I am all ears.

Keep Calm and Carry On...




This is my mom, and she is a soldier. She is a soldier to keep her and I afloat, and I aid her in that struggle. She is a soldier in the battlefield of home repair, recipes, dealing bland office day job, and against a group of malicious condo association members. She is my Hero. It is hard to really fathom what our parents do for us; the dangers they stroll onto, knowing they're in no man's land, just for a chance of success to be granted to their seed.

The woman pictured above is everything I strive to project in my day to day life and the way I wish carry myself. Her sense of humor is unmatched and her ability to find the positive in any situation reminds me that my head should never be hung.

She's never given up, never given in. She continues to brave the battlefield, strolling out of the trenches like it was a walk on her lunch break, coming out victorious each and every time. I am thankful to have her in my life, and to contribute to her's. Her posture as a human being puts a smile on my face. I hope to adapt her talent of stepping out of the trenches and spitting in the eyes of the enemy; we haven't got time for their pouting faces anyhow.

Jane M. Galloway, thanks for being the shit.



- dream well.


how to.....

" A master mind sees it before it comes.......A mastermind sleeps at night, real easy."


who would have thought?

There are many words in this language of ours that are thrown around a bit too carelessly, fate being one of them. I've encountered 'fate' many times in my life, only to later find out that it is just pure coincidence that Hershey's Take 5 was buy one get one that day. Other instances in one's life seem a bit too random to be a coincidence, the list of events too broad to be linked together in any sort of organized manner.

This is where I think fate comes into play. The next couple of months hold much change for me, but the past and its broad range of happenings have changed my scope on the present. I've been on this journey from the ocean for longer than I had imagined possible, and where ever the future sojourns happen to lead, the sand and salt water will remain in my chest and the back of my skull.

It was only fate that the salt from the sea met the course grains of sand along the shorelines, so on the tradition of called fate will go. It might be true or just coincidence, and that is entirely up to you and the events in your own lives. My trip to the beach was one of fate, I would like to think. Frankly, I don't give a damn if you agree. Four frames, four months ago, four months to go; as these dinosaurs come to life. From the moon to the shore.

'Fate has a funny way of comin' 'round..'


our current state of mind.

well will slowly fade,
what's in our minds; maintain,
i will forever


with your luck, you better duck.

look to the sky
look to the sea.
the city holds dreams,
but the forest picked up the phone.
holding the receiver,
the qualms will fade in due time
to melt like crayons in summer
[x] as the planes fly overhead [x]

now is gone, then never was
so keep up with what will never exist
remain alive.
remain and be.


a sudden shift in fabric
and we all begin our fleeting.
words etched on my chest
so i won't forget from where I came.