
Drink the Kool-Aid! Ed Templeton in London.

Time is currently not an issue, or a very big one: depending how you see things.

Phoenix Garden & Aftermath from the Buses.

Gallery Entrance, tucked away in an alley off Oxford Street.

If you cannot {+++} Read this.

First Wall.

Mr. Templeton needs more fiber..

Free cuts, in the cut.


Some how these two buses were not informed of some gas line work on Oxford street and got into a pretty serious accident. If you can see in the photo on the left, the bus has driven into the actual bus stop, some of the frame still in the front windshield. Good thing the driver is on the right hand side. No one was hurt, but shaken up for sure.

Surbiton Flyer has some explaining to do.

I've never seen any of Ed Templeton's work before, aside from his graphics for Toy Machine. 'Drink the Kool-Aid', was a great introduction. He has an interesting mind, for sure. His use of layout in the book 'Deformer' really makes you look at everything on the page. Going through this book is as if you are in a time machine located within Templeton's head.

Hoping the Airport X-rays have not fogged any of these. New book in the works, stay tuned..

Two weeks of skateboarding for ten hours a day will make your feet hate you. I am hoping my ten digits forgive me, they did well.

Nike's European Escapades book 'Fluff' made it's way into my arms. Filled with whit, traveling triumphs and failures, and some damn good flicks. 600 pages of suga, now to figure out how to get it home..

Due to verbal abuse & flatspots, the green lanterns have been retired.

The response is en route, Heath Cliff.

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