I can see why Picasso came back her so often..
Backstreet boys trying to get their's by the sea.
Daniel demonstrates one way to spend twelve euros.
Don't forget your hat!
David, South Park lover.
Here David ponders life.

Fernando y Ruben, friends for 10+ years and the friendliest dudes around.
Last night at Paral-lel
Saw some interesting things at night off this balcony.
Top = What my mind felt like at the end of this part of the trip, Bottom = The first stages of my feet beginning to hate me.

Myself, David, Daniel. The whole city could be seen from this vantage point, I hope I never forget how the lights look beside the Mediterranean.

Views from above. Parc Guell.

David: Front Nose.

All the film that was shot over the past three weeks should be back from the lab in about a week, hopefully less, but I'll be posting some digitals from my Sojourn during that time. Up first is Barcelona, a dream come true for me. All the myths you hear are true, pretty much the entire city is a skatepark, although
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